Sunday, April 20, 2008

Throwing a bone to minorities...

Another blast from the the past: the English edition of the People's Daily Online, from October 2007.

It looks like the central government has finally determined that there is a shortage of minorities in government positions. From the article:

'"The number of leading cadres from minorities has been increasing in recent years, but many of them are in politics with few in professional posts from hi-technology, economy and enterprise management," said Zhang Xiangji, director of the personnel department of the commission.'

The government proposes to provide high-level education to promising minority cadres.

Well, it's about time, folks! If you had been doing this sort of thing all along you wouldn't have this shortage in the first place!

:: facepalm ::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This only fuels my wonder about the teaching standards for Ph.D.s!